5 hours ago
(6 hours ago)Clark W Griswold Wrote: First off he was by far the best WR in the NFL last year (triple crown) so it’s subjective that Jefferson is better.
Even if he is this is not the way it works. He will be the highest paid until the next big time guy comes up and then that guy will get the biggest contract.
The best players are not always the highest paid and if they are it won’t last for long especially with the way the cap has gone up. He’s young and should continue to put up huge numbers so in a couple of years this will probably look like a bargain.
Plus Ja'Marr IS better than Jefferson. Nothing against JJ but Ja'Marr has grown so much in one year in route running and getting open it is crazy.
He already had better balance, strength, quicks and explosiveness. The hands might be the only thing JJ has on Ja'Marr and that has changed too.
Also, we all know who was the better WR on LSU with Joe Burrow and it was Ja'Marr. We can talk about the sucky QB play JJ had to play with tho.
That is the only way I see JJ in the talk after last year. Growth is the determining factor to me on who is the best. Chase is scratching the surface.
Pay the man 41 mil per year, he deserves it.