01-15-2016, 01:38 PM
Speaking of WWE, that got me thinking of the future of football.
Imagine this:
30 years from now. Same game.
"Hercules" (Vontaz), has just taken down the leader of the other team, "Thor" who is a mean rapist, to the utter delight of the masses.
"Zeus" (coach) then sees that Hercules has gotten somewhat wild eyed and out of control, so he raises his golden hammer and the "Power" from the hammer forces Hercules into a steel cage on the sidelines.
8' tall "Egor" reaches in, grabs Hercules by the neck and snips off a lock of his hair, leaving Hercules sitting in the corner with his head down.
The game goes on.
The masses are brutal towards the"Supreme Beings" (refs) who look more like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off than Supreme Beings.
Hercules is now trying to bend the bars to get out, but cant. The masses are chanting for him.
Suddenly, after chugging a quart of pain killers laced with stimulants, Thor makes a triumphant return, rallies his troops and begins slashing his way down field.
The chant for Hercules reaches a fever pitch. He regains his strength from that and in a mighty roar tears the steel bars apart and returns to the field. Soon, Hercules is penalized for a blow that the other side has NOT been penalized for multiple times.
The masses reach a fever pitch.
Its obvious the fix is in.
But, even then, it looked like the high revenue earners that "God" (NFL) had anointed still might not win.
So, when one of the savages "touches" a Supreme Being while pointing out an illegal play by a coach, the Supreme Being in a fit of rage wields his mighty yellow sword which emits a bolt of lightening, blowing the "non-worthy ones" back another15 yards.
Within seconds, The anointed winners were running over each other leaving the field looking like the bunch of weasels they truly are.
You can't make this stuff up folks.
Imagine this:
30 years from now. Same game.
"Hercules" (Vontaz), has just taken down the leader of the other team, "Thor" who is a mean rapist, to the utter delight of the masses.
"Zeus" (coach) then sees that Hercules has gotten somewhat wild eyed and out of control, so he raises his golden hammer and the "Power" from the hammer forces Hercules into a steel cage on the sidelines.
8' tall "Egor" reaches in, grabs Hercules by the neck and snips off a lock of his hair, leaving Hercules sitting in the corner with his head down.
The game goes on.
The masses are brutal towards the"Supreme Beings" (refs) who look more like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off than Supreme Beings.
Hercules is now trying to bend the bars to get out, but cant. The masses are chanting for him.
Suddenly, after chugging a quart of pain killers laced with stimulants, Thor makes a triumphant return, rallies his troops and begins slashing his way down field.
The chant for Hercules reaches a fever pitch. He regains his strength from that and in a mighty roar tears the steel bars apart and returns to the field. Soon, Hercules is penalized for a blow that the other side has NOT been penalized for multiple times.
The masses reach a fever pitch.
Its obvious the fix is in.
But, even then, it looked like the high revenue earners that "God" (NFL) had anointed still might not win.
So, when one of the savages "touches" a Supreme Being while pointing out an illegal play by a coach, the Supreme Being in a fit of rage wields his mighty yellow sword which emits a bolt of lightening, blowing the "non-worthy ones" back another15 yards.
Within seconds, The anointed winners were running over each other leaving the field looking like the bunch of weasels they truly are.
You can't make this stuff up folks.