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Walking Dead Thread ***SPOILERS***
(02-18-2016, 06:29 PM)Penn Wrote: Multiple people on the net seem to think Daryl's time for death is coming soon. Why?

If it is a matter of you have spoiler info go ahead and PM me if you want.

If it is a matter of you think you know due to predictable writing of the show or hints given during the show, explain.

Small background on why I ask - (I may have put some of this in the FTWD thread)

My first few moments watching were the end of the episode that ended with Rick's group outside the gates of ASZ. I only watched the following episode (this was during the "catch up" episodes before the second to last episode last season) because of experiences living in the Atlanta metro. I know and/or a few people who were extras (both walkers and Woodbury residents).

I was in Senoia for work when some Woodbury scene was being filmed, maybe multiple. I just know I had to take a detour to get where I was going.

On a Sunday some point in time last year when leaving a friends house last year in a different town some road blocks were placed on the side of the road to later block off the street. I found out they were filming a scene (which apparently got axed) down the street. Another almost identical thing happened when I left my parents house but the initial report was wrong in that it was either Sleepy Hollow or one of those vampire shows was filmed

I also saw on the local news how the little town of Senoia has become a bit of a tourist attraction since Woodbury and the Alexandria Safe Zone were both filmed there (at the time I just knew a past portion of the show and a present portion were filmed there but after watching the whole series I found out details).

So these things combined I decide, why not see what this show is really all about.

Long boring story to lead up to this - Daryl, Deanna and Michone are the reasons I decided to watch a bit more then when the season ended I thought, lets see what I Don't know about Daryl and Michone. I almost didn't make it to Michonne since the first few episodes bored me (Daryl wasn't interesting yet). Then I saw the CDC episodes. I thought Dr Jenner and the whole experience of the group there were good enough to try season 2.

Daryl's transformation from the guy I first saw and how the series started in season 2 and a few episodes here and there kept me watching during a few binge sessions until I got caught up.

Even now, Daryl and Michone are what keeps me watching. If Daryl is gone I don't know if Michone can keep me watching unless the true nature of Carol is exposed (even then maybe not). By exposed I mean, her role in twisting the minds of Micah, Lizzie, Pete and Sam leading to their deaths (Okay, Pete was a jerk anyway but she pushed his final button). At the very least they will need to give me more for willing suspension of disbelief so anther episode with some CDC type approach of explanation.

So it isn't like I am emotionally invested or anything but I just want to know, why do so many people believe Daryl is not long for the show's world. I know there are other's like me who might not watch without him. I heard there was a poll about who fans would least like to see go and another asking whose death would cause them not to watch and Daryl was in the top 3 or 4 of both if I remember correct. Why do you think AMC would kill him off. (I'm not going to look for the poll but if I remember Glenn and Carol were at the bottom so killing them off is less risky for ratings)

Unless someone can give good reason I'll just continue to assume comic book fans hate Daryl because he is a "real" character.

well daryl or a character hes playing wasnt part of the comics apparently.

But i believe Norman Reedus has a big project coming up thats not the walking dead

No reason he couldnt do both depending on when filming is set but looks like hes heavily invested in the new project.

Some times when actors get busy or want out of a show they got to write them off.

TWD has been great for norman who i cant really remember him in anything besides blade 2 and the boondock saints movies .beforehand

Messages In This Thread
RE: Walking Dead Thread - Benton - 10-19-2015, 05:03 PM
RE: Walking Dead Thread - BmorePat87 - 10-19-2015, 07:14 PM
RE: Walking Dead Thread - Benton - 10-20-2015, 10:47 AM
RE: Walking Dead Thread - Nebuchadnezzar - 10-19-2015, 11:49 PM
RE: Walking Dead Thread ***SPOILERS*** - XenoMorph - 02-18-2016, 06:42 PM

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