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Issue with My Neighbor (Would Like Your Opinion)
So here's something interesting for all of this. If I can hear my neighbor's music in my apartment after 10, it's a violation of the noise ordinance here. Period. Probably not the same laws you have there, but just felt like throwing that in there.

He may have been a dick for a number of reasons. Any number of reasons could exist for why he could hear the music. What's loud to some people is also normal for others. The normal television volume for one of my neighbors is as loud through my wall as my television is in my own apartment.

Just a whole lot of variables here that make it so I wouldn't worry about it too much. I stew over petty bullshit all the time and it's not exactly the healthiest thing. If anything, approach the guy at some point and apologize for the music thing again, give him your number if you are comfortable with it, and tell him to give you a call if it happens again. You being nice about it may change his perception of you, because I know that when I put up with some of the people in my building and their music I just automatically assume they're assholes and have a desire to respond in kind.

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RE: Issue with My Neighbor (Would Like Your Opinion) - Belsnickel - 02-23-2016, 11:36 AM

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