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Is the London game still on next year?

This hasn't made the news over here at all, as far as I can see, though we're neck-deep in Brexit rubbish at the moment so not much else tends to get out there.

I'm not sure what the aim of the letter is, if I'm honest. It's two MPs (out of about 650) and I get the feeling it may be about being seen to do the right thing rather than a desire to actually do it. The UK Parliament are unlikely to act on anything like this on their own initiative. We (the general population) do have the ability to petition Parliament to debate something if 100k people ask for it - for example, a couple of months back, 570k people signed a petition to ban Donald Trump from visiting the UK. It was debated and rejected. Even if this issue got to that stage, I doubt it would get approved by Parliament.

The area I could see getting discussed is the ground conditions at Wembley. Racial abuse is banned in sports stadia in the UK and I imagine this may be questioned at least under those laws. We're usually pretty pragmatic over here though so I doubt this will be an issue beyond the response to the MP's letter.

If I see anything hit the news over here, I'll let you know...

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RE: Is the London game still on next year? - Ned Ludd - 03-03-2016, 12:07 PM

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