03-16-2016, 12:36 AM
(03-12-2016, 09:54 PM)coachmcneil71 Wrote: My best friend committed suicide last night. He had a wonderful new wife,a lucrative music career, a nice home on a gorgeous piece of property. Had the world by the balls. Feel free to check him out on youtube. He was the bass player for Dread Clampitt. His name was Kenny Oliverio, dude could the play piss out of the guitar,harp,bass,drums,ukulele,piano, basically if it made a tone he could play it.
I had a brother named Kenny that committed suicide in 1997. Kenny O and I had been great friends since our first meeting in Florida when we realized that we were both Ohio boys. He was from Cincy and myself from Piqua We played our first paying gig together in 1993. I always told him that I lost a brother named Kenny in 97 but I gained another brother named Kenny in 92. He is a huge loss for our community, his mom,lovely wife April, and myself.
Life has no rhyme or reason but we all march to the beat of the same drum.
I'm sorry that I did not see this thread earlier to respond.
May your friend's memory be as a blessing.
I know the pain of being a survivor of a loved one who has committed suicide. The "why" question can never be answered and you are left with just the empty spot. The hopes of new memories with your friend have been dashed permanently. Therefore, you must cherish the old memories. And honor your friend's memory by living the best life that you can and being a blessing to others.
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