06-22-2015, 05:11 PM
(06-22-2015, 12:01 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: There are some in the geek community that have their knickers knotted because they feel that geek culture is being usurped and TBBT is a reminder of this to them. Some feel the writing is getting stale (I agree to an extent) and then many feel that the laughter is at the geek community and not with it.
Before I make my actual reply
Usurp -
verb (used with object)
to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.)by force or without legal right:
The pretender tried to usurp the throne.
to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully:
(06-22-2015, 03:53 PM)Bryan Wrote: Nerd culture is very big right now. The Big Bang Theory is both to thank and to blame for that. But as a nerd, it upsets me when people say "OMG I just watched all the Marvel Movies. I'm such a nerd lolz". These people who've never picked up a comic book pretend to be nerds, yet they're the same people who chastised nerds just 10 years ago. That's what upsets me.
I am not a nerd. I like most nerds I've known and have always been known to hang out with them. I don't know if Matt meant it this way but one place I feel the term "nerd" is being usurped is this crap of assuming all nerds are into comic books. Very few I've know are. In fact most people I knew who were into comic books were "stoners".
D&D, as mentioned, elsewhere is something most nerds were into. This translates to role playing video games but not ALL video games. Just because someone is a gamer doesn't make them a nerd.
I look at TBBT and laugh at the illogical sterotypes people have given nerds these days and find the show humorous. I also love Sheldon and Bernadette but even those two aren't accurate portrayals of nerds to me. Howard and Leonard are probably closest to what i consider as actual nerds.
But more on topic, for the most part I consider most shows that get cancelled early on worthy of it but a few I would like to have seen more of -
WKRP (Rep to the OP for mentioning that one)
Picket Fences
I will give Firefly a nod because I think it could have gone somewhere but as it was, I can see why it got canned.
X-files I'll also mention but with a qualifier - It never regained it's original feel after the Mulder disappearance. To me it should have either ended there or not taken such a turn when he came back. To me it was at that point is was "cancelled" in that some powers that be killed it at that point. And Mulder and Scully becoming a couple, just horrible. Most shows that have a male and female leads who aren't a couple at the beginning should just keep them that way. CSI's Grissom and Sidle were and exception. Speaking of CSI, apply my thought to the X-files to Grissom leaving the show and that show was "cancelled" in the same way.
Edit - I forgot to mention Arrested Development. Great show.