03-30-2016, 10:00 PM
(03-30-2016, 08:21 PM)coachmcneil71 Wrote: I voted for Kate Upton (as if there was any other choice...pfff). The board is pretty awesome as well. Great job Holic,Dude,Benton,Shake, and any others that I may have missed.
While this thread/poll is just meant to have a little fun...in all seriousness, Benton, BD, Shake, Zona and Eox have done a great job and their day to day moderation efforts are what keeps this place running pretty damn smoothly.
Benton and BD are the Wyatt and Doc of the board...maintaining law and order, while keeping the occasional trouble making 'Cowboys' in check.
Shake is The King of the Jungle (Noise).
Zona has become the czar of PnR.
Eox does whatever it is that Eox does...and he does it as only Eox can do it.
I've basically taken on the role of that weird, old founder guy that sits on the Board of Directors just to occupy a seat. I spend most days wondering drunk and confused around the staff room, with my robe hanging open and my tiger striped speedo not quite adjusted correctly...while Benton tries to jab me with a needle full of Lorazepam and Zona sings me lullabies.
It's a good life!