06-23-2015, 08:57 AM
So Dowd just pretty much put the nail in the coffin on Charlie Hustle's chances of ever getting back into baseballs good graces. I don't really see how this is breaking news though, and i'm sure most of us already had some suspicions that Rose bet on the game as a player as well as a manager. I'm not a Pete Rose detractor, yea he's a bad role model, but I think his accomplishments on the field far outweigh any wrong doings he's done off the field. Its obvious that Pete has a problem that is systemic. His addiction to gambling was his and still is his down fall. My only gripe is the timing with the "new evidence". Just as their seemed to be a little steam building up on Pete's side, these new findings come out. Calculated move by Dowd no doubt to try and sway public opinion. I don't believe for a second that Commissioner Manfred didn't already know about this evidence. The best thing for Pete to do is try and separate himself as far as he can from that world. Move from Vegas, get help for his addiction, and try to take on some kind of advocacy role for gambling problems.