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BENGALS are on The Clock (The Choices)
(04-15-2016, 10:02 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You need a QB. You need to protect your QB. You need to get after the other team's QB.

Bronco's pass rush > Panther's pass protection = Super Bowl victory

I'd be happy with any of those players and they all make sense, but I would pick Dodd for the above reasons. MJ has had one good year and is over valued by a the fans. Who do we really have behind him to rotate in to rush the passer?

Billings would make sense to learn from Peko for a year.

The Bengals already have spent two first round picks on Kirkpatrick and Dennard. I would like to see the wealth spread around a bit more on the defense.

They need a receiver opposite AJ, but they can find a Houshyourmomma type receiver outside the first round.
 What about Dodd in 1 and Kenny Clark in 2 and then Garrett in 3 and a CB in 4 and another WR late?

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RE: BENGALS are on The Clock (The Choices) - pulses - 04-15-2016, 10:58 PM

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