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Working out with Kevin Zeitler - unreal
Yes, I did work out with him too. It was crazy. I hurt for days after. But I can at least say I didn't quit before the end.

I imigane he is a top priority for the Bengals this offseason just because of his work ethic alone.

I think working on the extensions for him and Kirkpatrick are at the top of the list mainly because they would require the most money – though I do think they want to spin forward and work on guys like Hewitt and Bernard, too. Obviously as we’ve seen with Iloka / Pacman / Jones / Sanu the team isn’t afraid to let guys get through the year. Honestly, no real feel just yet where Zeitler/team are on reaching something.

Does he hit the big 3 (bench, squat, deadlift) or is it more isolation lifts? I would assume,being a lineman, that more multi-joint compound lifts (cleans, jerks, snatch) would benefit him more.

Honestly, I saw him do all of it at NX Level. Princeton Club I was only there for upper body days but I would assume he also does 5-6 major lifts for legs, too. But it’s not like power lifting, it’s all football-functional stuff in terms of the speed and reps and even the weight (like, they weren’t about to try to toss up 440 pounds you know?)

Did Zeitler mention how much sleep he gets every day?

We touched on it briefly – he said that’s something he’s working on because he likes to sleep in, but that pushes his whole day back. I would imagine he gets the full 8 hours, but I do know the team monitors and works on proper sleep stuff. It was part of their program last year.

saying, "they don't get paid for it" is kind of silly / Agreed. Zeitler is being paid like a top 10 guard this year / Great article, but don't kid yourself, he's getting paid

I think it was important to note for the casual reader because most people don’t know that these guys don’t get paid outside of the season and places like NX Level is a loss because it’s money going out with none coming in (yes, he pays to work out there). But it’s also worth noting because of his current contract situation he won’t get a check until week 1 and this is the first year his salary balloons to that $8 million figure, so it’s not like he’s gotten the big dollars just yet. But that’s neither here or nor there – when I talked to Emmett and Brad Arnett they said some guys really just take off Jan-March with conditioning, and that Zeitler is probably on the other end of the spectrum in terms of working beyond what others do. I don’t think it shows he’s a sucker at all because of that one line, in fact it shows that’s what these guys do.

I remember when he came in he was a bigger rounder dude. Now the guy is ripped as hell

He noted that – he didn’t focus on the nutritional aspect of things until the last few years. Trial and error early in his career.

Thanks for the kind words and the reads/shares all!
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RE: Working out with Kevin Zeitler - unreal - jowczarski - 04-18-2016, 02:04 AM

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