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Working out with Kevin Zeitler - unreal
The NFL is a year round job now. There is way too much money involved for everyone, for them to think of it as a seasonal gig.

I mean, the guy is cashing weekly game checks for well over 100k. He's slated to make 8 million dollar next year, which comes to 500k a week. To put that number into perspective, take every cent you've made in your life, a rough estimate. Try to do the same for your father, your mother, siblings, maybe a friend or two. I'll bet the total number is less than what he'll make next season.

So, your lifetime earnings (to date), your fathers lifetime earnings, your mothers, etc. Every cent, everyone of all these people have made in their entire lives, working 40, 50, 60 hours a week, for years, decades, is less than what this guy will make in one season. Think about that...

Now think about that, if he takes care of himself and has a productive year, that that's only the tip of the iceberg. The figures discussed thus far will be dwarfed by his 2nd contract. A total contract number of 40 million is probably a decent guess. 15 mil fully guaranteed. Then you can start adding in your cousins lifetime earnings, your boss, the mailman, your mechanic, Urkel, Fab from Mili Vanilli, Pat Berry... All them combined, will have made less in their entire lives than Kevin Zeitler. That's what he's playing for.

Am I glad he's working out? Yup. Do I think articles like these are entertaining? Yeah, it's nice to see the behind the scenes stuff. And it's good to know just how much work goes into doing what they do. But seriously, spare me the whole "he's not even getting paid" bologna. And bringing up that he pays for his own gym membership? So what? My buddy belongs to the nicest gym on this side of town and he's broke as shit.

No offense, but I think we're going a tad overboard with looking for things to applaud, when we're holding up the fact that a guy in the top .001% didn't actually collect a paycheck last week, and foots his own $79.99 a month gym membership out of his own pocket.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Working out with Kevin Zeitler - unreal - Wes Mantooth - 04-18-2016, 02:54 AM

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