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Singing/Rapping in Public (Venting)
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Singing/Rapping in Public (Venting)
Ok, so has everyone experienced the strange phenomena that is somebody walking around, or sitting, in public, with their headphones on, just loudly singing (usually rapping) like they don't give a single **** about their surroundings?

And just for good measure, and for the sake of conversation, let's include those who walk around, without headphones, just blaring their music right out of their speaker of their phone.

Have we all had the pleasure of coming across these human pieces of garbage?  Have you seen these sub species in the wild?

Oh, and before anyone wants to get all in a tissy, and make this a racial issue, it's not.  Let's not.  This is something that seems almost exclusive to a certain age group.  The demographic seems to be teens to late 20's, IQ definitelely under 100, with terrible music tastes.  Both white and black.

What the **** is this?  What is going on here?  When I see it, not only does it drive me absolutely bonkers, but I can't make sense of it.

The only thing I can come up with is that they do either to intentionally anger others, or because they are so attention starved they do it only to draw eyeballs.

I mean, they can't/don't do because they think others will be impressed.  They can't/don't do it because they think somehow it will break their career.  They can't/don't do it because they can't help it.  And only an absolute moron/savage would somehow think this "looks cool".

I guess I'll stop rambling here.  But I see this more and more.  Multiple times a week.  Some simpleton walking around basically yelling.  Not caring a bit about anyone else.  Not impressing anybody.  Not doing anything other than being rude and annoying.  And for what?  Just because they can?  I would really love to see a movement of people accosting these mutants and shutting them the **** up.  Punch them right in the mouth, take their phone and throw it as far as you can.  Then just pray to god they don't reproduce.   Rant  Rant  Rant  Rant  Rant  Rant  Rant  Rant  Rant 

Messages In This Thread
Singing/Rapping in Public (Venting) - Wes Mantooth - 04-29-2016, 11:39 AM

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