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RIP Harambe - a Cincy zoo gorilla
Wow....there are a TON of perfect Parents on this thread! Apparently no one has ever had a Child get hurt or had a close call on their watch.......or one that has slipped out of their sight for a few seconds. (that's all it takes!) I don't care who you are or how perfect you think you are....these things happen. The only difference is, usually extreme things like your child ending up in a Gorilla enclosure do not happen.....and most of the time there is a happy ending. (you don't hear about these things though) is the parents responsibility....and I am sure these parents are overwhelmed with guilt for what happened to their Child....not to mention Harambe.

But.....It was an ACCIDENT (an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause) Just a freak Accident. Yes....the kid said he wanted to go play in the water and was told NO, he could not go in....but seriously.....would you have EVER thought for second that your Child would have actually tried....much less SUCCEEDED in going into the enclosure? Kids say they want to do a lot of things.....many times a this would not have raised red flags for most parents.

The Mom has to live with the horror of seeing her Son in that situation.....and the Death of Harambe. She will be paying her dues for a long time and nothing the Media.....or you....or I say......will make her feel any worse. (or better for that matter)
[Image: predator_zps2bkpnoe5.jpg]

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RE: RIP Harambe - a Cincy zoo gorilla - JungleGal50 - 06-03-2016, 10:45 AM

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