06-25-2016, 12:31 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I've always had great success with just telling the ladies that I have a large manhood and then whipping it out and showing them. 
If God didn't give you one of your own, just Jeffrey Dahmer it off of someone else and stuff it in your pants.

If God didn't give you one of your own, just Jeffrey Dahmer it off of someone else and stuff it in your pants.
![[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]](https://scontent.fphx1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/416686247_404249095282684_8421704982366424390_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_ohc=p8hMrwwk1IoAX8mnFLJ&_nc_ht=scontent.fphx1-2.fna&oh=00_AfBXs4gKHr4knFejO874dfV3zzLd_bq4GiUqHxGWFlwbug&oe=659A7198)