06-30-2016, 10:29 PM
(06-30-2016, 09:35 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Interesting. I clearly missed it. Along those same, very subtle, lines...Tyrion mentioned something rather casually about Unsullied and Dothraki being useless at sea - I'm willing to bet Euron is going to decimate her fleet somehow. That seems especially likely if the theory about the horn bringing down the wall is to come into play. And that may be hard to swallow given Dany has "air support",
I may re-watch the season at some point. There was definitely an unusual amount of foreshadowing (at least for this show) this past season.
Another thing to look for - how does Arya order her "list"? Wondering if Walter Frey wasn't the first living one on the list (not that it would necessarily help, since half her list is dead in other ways).
If the (still hypothetical on the TV show) horn does what Euron claims it does, then he would be able to control dragons. That could easily decimate Dany's fleet. I see Euron's and Yara's fleets battling just off the coast of Westeros, Yara's fleet winning because of dragons, and a desperate Euron reaching for the horn and gaining control of the dragons.
I would have to think Frey and sons were number one on the list because of Red Wedding.
(06-30-2016, 09:45 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Speaking of foreshadowing, was it too on the nose that Walder Frey was talking about "the legendary Blackfish beaten by a common infantry"?
Seemed very intentional to me, even how it was phrased like "that didn't really happen, did it"? Just in case you thought he was probably actually dead, like me, they're basically saying - blatantly - a redshirt taking out the Blackfish is hard to believe.
I was wondering the same thing. They didn't show him die. And he is clearly very shrewd. Outside of posturing, his appearance on the show was pretty meh.
There are a lot of theories floating around about the Melissandra. They had the big foreshadowing scene with her at Castle Black where she takes off her necklace and she is suddenly ancient. The necklace appears to be some sort of ancient artifact and the source of her magic. There are theories about her being linked to Jon where he cannot die while she lives and he will die if she dies. Some interesting stuff. Also, she is from Bravos, home of "A-man-has-no-name" who is equally creepy, highly interested in Arya, and who apparently has some type of magic link with deities. Or maybe it is no link at all. Maybe they are aspects of the Seven (maybe the Crone and the Stranger)....

(For those reading who don't know The Seven new gods, they are: The Father, the Mother, the Warrior, the Maiden, the Smith, the Crone and the Stranger. Their areas of influence area: judgement, motherhood, combat, innocence, crafting, wisdom, and death respectively).
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