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The Story Of A Soldier
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The Story Of A Soldier
By Ennio Morricone
From the movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
This is the song being sung while in the Prisoner of War Camp as Lee Van Cleef beats Eli Wallach

Bugles are calling 
from prairie to shore,
"Sign up" and "Fall In" 
and march off to war.

Blue grass and cotton, 
burnt and forgotten
All hope seems gone 
so soldier march on to die.

Bugles are calling 
from prairie to shore,
"Sign up" and "Fall In" 
and march off to war.

There in the distance 
a flag I can see,
Scorched and in ribbons 
but whose can it be,

How ends the story, 
whose is the glory
Ask if we dare, 
our comrades out there who sleep.

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The Story Of A Soldier - Nebuchadnezzar - 07-20-2016, 02:59 AM

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