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Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay?
Most critics hate, absolutely loathe these types of movies for whatever reason so whatever they say, take it with a spoonful of salt. They love artsy-fartsy types of movies, Lost In Translation, anyone? Sure, it may have not been a bad movie but Academy Award type? Nope.

Anyway, the only way to know if it's a bad movie is to see it yourself. Fans of the comics will love it while people who never heard of the comic will pass, like me. I'm not going to go see it although I like Will Smith and that girl looks hot on the commercials.

For instance, critics destroyed Warcraft here in the United States but it was the first or second ever grossing video game movie in China. It made roughly $400,000,000.00 I think worldwide. Fans of the game loved it but those who never played the game had no clue what was going on. They had fun but they won't see it again.

In other words, don't listen to critics. They will only break your heart. If you want to see it but unsure how it will turn out, see it during a matinee or wait to rent it out of RedBox.

Messages In This Thread
Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - BengalHawk62 - 08-03-2016, 03:45 PM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - Nebuchadnezzar - 08-03-2016, 11:20 PM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - Benton - 08-04-2016, 03:39 PM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - CKwi88 - 08-04-2016, 10:42 AM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - BoomerFan - 08-06-2016, 03:23 AM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - CKwi88 - 08-06-2016, 07:50 PM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - Millhouse - 08-04-2016, 06:48 PM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - CKwi88 - 08-05-2016, 11:34 PM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - HarleyDog - 08-06-2016, 01:11 AM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - CKwi88 - 08-12-2016, 11:07 AM
RE: Suicide Squad- Yay or Nay? - CKwi88 - 08-12-2016, 09:22 PM

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