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Things You Hate Most About The Steelers
#1 for me is easily their fans. I'm not sure there's a worse fanbase in all of sports. I hate them for so many reasons.

-Their fanbase, the collective total of ass-clowns that claim to rep the Steelers, is compromised of no less than 50% bandwagoners. Just good for nothing, "I care more about being cool" than being an actual fan, bandwagoners.

Seriously, if you were to go and quiz every single Steeler fan on Steelers related knowledge on things that either didn't feature the 70's teams, or the post 2000 teams, I'd be willing to bet that half of them would score no better than non-Steelers fans.

Oh you've been a fan your whole life, you bleed yellow and gold, cool, tell me your thoughts on Bubby Brister. -Derp, I started watching them when Sir Rapes-A-Lot came in.

These people, and there are an absolute shit ton, choose what jersey they where like you choose what shirt to buy. It's cool to like a winner, and they have such a small dick, that they need to adopt this shit stain of a city. **** you!

-They're obnoxious. So damn obnoxious. Alright, I get it, you've won 6 rings, you're one of the best franchises in the history of sports. That's cool and all, but take it down a notch. You're not somehow magically tougher or more of bad-ass because they team you root for is tough. Get an actual identity you loser. Quit flexing like you yourself accomplished something. And calm the **** down.

-Is there any uglier fanbase? (Serious question)

-The towels. So ***** stupid. So, so, so stupid and annoying. Take a break from waving that thing and use it to wipe the drool from your BBQ stained, double-chin, you ***** mouth-breather!

-This team, that is so tough, with their baby dicked fans, the tribal tatted and Nickleback listening bunch of them, sway around at half time to Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. Neil ***** Diamond. What a bunch of ***** dorks. Was Lional Ritchie and Rod Steward taken?

-Their city smells like a giant Arby's.

-I generally don't like people under the age of 50 that use the handi-fat scooters at the grocery. I don't have any stats to back this up, but I'm pretty sure their fans would rank high in this category.

-You all cheer for a Rapist. Your life is so sad that you'll resort to cheering for a rapist. Mellow

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RE: Things You Hate Most About The Steelers - Wes Mantooth - 09-16-2016, 03:31 AM

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