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Ann Patchett and cutting the cord even more
I could go days without turning the TV on. I don't even turn it on for background noise, unless I'm home alone at night -- even as a 42 year old man, I still get a little spooked when it's dark.

I do like some television shows, but not many and the ones I like are in syndication, except for Better Call Saul; however I don't even know if I've seen the latest episode of that show or which season it's in.

I enjoy watching the Bengals at a bar but also enjoy watching them at home where I can focus.

My girlfriend's parents recently subscribed to basic cable after years of only broadcast TV. They generally watch the same local station as they did before cable. My girlfriend is the same, 90% of the time she is tuned into the local CBS affiliate; just like her parents. My girlfriend pays a premium for all those channels plus HBO whereas her parents only pay for basic. I've tried to talk them into cutting the cord and subscribing to Netflix and Amazon, but they won't budge.

As for me, I too have a cable subscription with HBO, but only because Boxing is a close second to Bengals football for me. Yes, I pay for HBO just for Boxing and I'm considering Showtime for the same reason. HBO can be had without cable, I'm not sure about Showtime. Maybe I'll look into that. The only other reason I have cable is to watch the Bengals, but I'm pretty sure they air locally since the blackout rule was lifted. If so, then I will be removing cable from my household soon.

I've never seen an episode of The Walking Dead or any other popular show and only about 3 years ago did I see shows like The Big Bang Theory on broadcast TV. I'm just not interested in them. But I don't think I could wholly get rid of my TV because I do like Boxing and Bengals. Boxing has been aired on some cable stations, so I'd have to consider that before cutting the cord.

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RE: Ann Patchett and cutting the cord even more - Devils Advocate - 09-18-2016, 09:09 AM

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