09-27-2016, 12:16 AM
So yesterday I had to make a quick pit stop at Kroger and saw something that made my mouth drop. Let me try my best to paint a picture of what I witnessed for you...
Quick backstory: In my neighborhood there's what I would consider a nice Kroger and a not-so-nice Kroger. That not-so-nice Kroger is surrounded by a whole lot of apartment buildings, which in turn has brought in a lot of riff-raff with the new voucher system. Lotta white trash heroin addicts and things of the sort. There's been old people mugged there, a person was murdered just across the street about a year ago. All in all, it's not a great scene. As a result, even though that Kroger is a little closer, I now make my way up to the nicer Kroger. But hey, if you like going into store where people just eat off the shelves, where you find frozen pizzas stuffed into the toothpaste aisle, because they can't be bothered to return it to the freezer, where people in scooters outnumber people with carts, then this might be your type of place.
Anyways, I had already done all of my grocery shopping for the week and realized I forgot to buy paper towels, so I decide to make my way into the not-so-nice Kroger for the first time in awhile. It was, um, interesting.
I see all of what your normally expect in a fine establishment like this one: Carts filled with Mt. Dew, people loudly talking on their phones, handi-fat scooters as far as the eye can see. No big deal. I've been there before, it just another day in the neighborhood. And then it happens....
As I'm first walking in and going down the aisle I hear some pretty loud music. So loud that initially thought it was the overhead PA elevator bs they play. But it sounded weird because I wasn't getting that whole overhead, 360 effect from it. Then I kinda thought that maybe their PA is screwed up or something, and some speakers aren't working. And then I notice the actual music. Let's just say it wasn't something I would expect normally here at a Kroger.
So I'm sitting there wondering what the hell is that. The store was kind of dead, and I thought maybe some employees were screwing around or something. Or maybe it's some weird product demo. But whatever it is it's pretty freaking loud. Like loud enough you could hear it from aisles and aisles over.
I go about my shopping and the music gets louder and quieter as I move around. And finally, when I'm approaching the checkout line I realize I'm getting closer and closer to the source. The big reveal. What do I see (drumroll)....
Some freakin guy had brought one of the portable blue tooth speakers in, had it propped up in the child's seat, and was streaming his music from his phone to it. Blaring it. You know the speakers I'm talking about, the one's people use on their deck or porch, or garage, they look like a cylinder or a tube, kind of like Mike Brady's plans that dumb ass Jan lost at King's Island? Here let me just post a picture so we're all on the same page:
I'm not even sure what to say at this point. I really don't have the words. This guy had to make a legitimate plan when he left the house that he needed this thing for his grocery shopping. Like, he stopped, thought "Nah, headphones won't work, let me grab this portable speaker, and lug it up to Kroger. Wtf? He props that thing up in his cart, syncs his phone to it, cranks the ***** up, and just proceeds to go around the store shopping, like everyone wants to listen to this crap. Not that he would be any less offensive, but he wasn't even with anybody. It wasn't a group of people clowning around or anything like that. It's one guy, by himself, just jamming out to some tunes.
I don't know who I was more mad at, the guy or Kroger for not telling him to turn that shit off. It was unbelievable. I hope someone got a kick out of this and got a chuckle. It was too good not to share.
Quick backstory: In my neighborhood there's what I would consider a nice Kroger and a not-so-nice Kroger. That not-so-nice Kroger is surrounded by a whole lot of apartment buildings, which in turn has brought in a lot of riff-raff with the new voucher system. Lotta white trash heroin addicts and things of the sort. There's been old people mugged there, a person was murdered just across the street about a year ago. All in all, it's not a great scene. As a result, even though that Kroger is a little closer, I now make my way up to the nicer Kroger. But hey, if you like going into store where people just eat off the shelves, where you find frozen pizzas stuffed into the toothpaste aisle, because they can't be bothered to return it to the freezer, where people in scooters outnumber people with carts, then this might be your type of place.
Anyways, I had already done all of my grocery shopping for the week and realized I forgot to buy paper towels, so I decide to make my way into the not-so-nice Kroger for the first time in awhile. It was, um, interesting.
I see all of what your normally expect in a fine establishment like this one: Carts filled with Mt. Dew, people loudly talking on their phones, handi-fat scooters as far as the eye can see. No big deal. I've been there before, it just another day in the neighborhood. And then it happens....
As I'm first walking in and going down the aisle I hear some pretty loud music. So loud that initially thought it was the overhead PA elevator bs they play. But it sounded weird because I wasn't getting that whole overhead, 360 effect from it. Then I kinda thought that maybe their PA is screwed up or something, and some speakers aren't working. And then I notice the actual music. Let's just say it wasn't something I would expect normally here at a Kroger.
So I'm sitting there wondering what the hell is that. The store was kind of dead, and I thought maybe some employees were screwing around or something. Or maybe it's some weird product demo. But whatever it is it's pretty freaking loud. Like loud enough you could hear it from aisles and aisles over.
I go about my shopping and the music gets louder and quieter as I move around. And finally, when I'm approaching the checkout line I realize I'm getting closer and closer to the source. The big reveal. What do I see (drumroll)....
Some freakin guy had brought one of the portable blue tooth speakers in, had it propped up in the child's seat, and was streaming his music from his phone to it. Blaring it. You know the speakers I'm talking about, the one's people use on their deck or porch, or garage, they look like a cylinder or a tube, kind of like Mike Brady's plans that dumb ass Jan lost at King's Island? Here let me just post a picture so we're all on the same page:
![[Image: PORTABLE_BLUETOOTH-SPEAKER.jpg]](http://www.jebiga.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/PORTABLE_BLUETOOTH-SPEAKER.jpg)
I'm not even sure what to say at this point. I really don't have the words. This guy had to make a legitimate plan when he left the house that he needed this thing for his grocery shopping. Like, he stopped, thought "Nah, headphones won't work, let me grab this portable speaker, and lug it up to Kroger. Wtf? He props that thing up in his cart, syncs his phone to it, cranks the ***** up, and just proceeds to go around the store shopping, like everyone wants to listen to this crap. Not that he would be any less offensive, but he wasn't even with anybody. It wasn't a group of people clowning around or anything like that. It's one guy, by himself, just jamming out to some tunes.
I don't know who I was more mad at, the guy or Kroger for not telling him to turn that shit off. It was unbelievable. I hope someone got a kick out of this and got a chuckle. It was too good not to share.