05-16-2015, 08:48 PM
Several things made the Vietnam War different and unique at that time. They range from the tactical to the political to the social.
Tactically, we had new weapons and tactics. The first that probably everyone can identify with is the massive use of helicopters. Helicopters had been around since the very end of WWII. And they had been used in Korea, but only on a limited scale for evacuating wounded (a la M.A.S.H.) and for observation. But in Vietnam, the helicopter came into its own.
The Army procured fleets of Hueys to transport troops into and out of combat zones. In addition, they turned some helicopters into floating weapons platforms to provide support for the 'air assaults'. This would lead to the development of the Cobra attack helicopter, the first of its kind purpose-built designed. The concepts of 'air mobile' and 'air cavalry' were born.
Now, to be sure, most Army units in Vietnam were not air mobile. But we had whole brigades and a division which were. We could move vast numbers of troops hundreds of miles within a couple of hours. This changed the way both sides approached and fought the war.
Air defense became a priority among the North Vietnamese and they eventually created an advanced air defense network (this was also to defend against our Air Force ground support and the B-52 bombers). Helicopters are a lot easier to shoot down than aircraft, and we lost a lot during Vietnam. Also, the North Vietnamese dug large networks of tunnels and moved many operations underground.
Rather than having infantry take and hold large swaths of land identified by battle lines (always impractical in rainforests anyway), we created the concept of firebases. Firebases were isolated forts with artillery batteries, command centers, barracks, and landing pads for helicopters. Just like in the castles of medieval times, small units of troops could patrol the area around the firebase with the support of artillery and return home to the security of the base. And, like the old castles which used to be at ports and resupplied by sea, firebases could be resupplied by air.
Interestingly enough, despite the advanced weaponry, some of the tactics and strategies reverted back to medieval times: us in our 'firebase' fortresses and them in their underground maze fortresses. A lot of the actual combat was between small groups running out on forays and patrols and running into each other.
Tactically, we had new weapons and tactics. The first that probably everyone can identify with is the massive use of helicopters. Helicopters had been around since the very end of WWII. And they had been used in Korea, but only on a limited scale for evacuating wounded (a la M.A.S.H.) and for observation. But in Vietnam, the helicopter came into its own.
The Army procured fleets of Hueys to transport troops into and out of combat zones. In addition, they turned some helicopters into floating weapons platforms to provide support for the 'air assaults'. This would lead to the development of the Cobra attack helicopter, the first of its kind purpose-built designed. The concepts of 'air mobile' and 'air cavalry' were born.
Now, to be sure, most Army units in Vietnam were not air mobile. But we had whole brigades and a division which were. We could move vast numbers of troops hundreds of miles within a couple of hours. This changed the way both sides approached and fought the war.
Air defense became a priority among the North Vietnamese and they eventually created an advanced air defense network (this was also to defend against our Air Force ground support and the B-52 bombers). Helicopters are a lot easier to shoot down than aircraft, and we lost a lot during Vietnam. Also, the North Vietnamese dug large networks of tunnels and moved many operations underground.
Rather than having infantry take and hold large swaths of land identified by battle lines (always impractical in rainforests anyway), we created the concept of firebases. Firebases were isolated forts with artillery batteries, command centers, barracks, and landing pads for helicopters. Just like in the castles of medieval times, small units of troops could patrol the area around the firebase with the support of artillery and return home to the security of the base. And, like the old castles which used to be at ports and resupplied by sea, firebases could be resupplied by air.
Interestingly enough, despite the advanced weaponry, some of the tactics and strategies reverted back to medieval times: us in our 'firebase' fortresses and them in their underground maze fortresses. A lot of the actual combat was between small groups running out on forays and patrols and running into each other.
![[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]](https://scontent.fphx1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/416686247_404249095282684_8421704982366424390_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_ohc=p8hMrwwk1IoAX8mnFLJ&_nc_ht=scontent.fphx1-2.fna&oh=00_AfBXs4gKHr4knFejO874dfV3zzLd_bq4GiUqHxGWFlwbug&oe=659A7198)