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Are We Moving Away From Two-TE Sets?
Good Lord Brad.
Just go visit Smack, and anyone with a fully developed mind can see that it has been cleared up.
Do you know why people say "I'm not going to get into this game with you"? Because they can see that you are so egocentric that it doesn't matter what they say, you will just return with a childish response.
You are too quick with the "I PROVED YOU WRONG", when in fact you have proven nothing.
So, my question for you is, how many people have told you how 'right' and 'credible' you are in this whole stupid Fred and Pat infatuation thing, and how many have told you how damn ridiculous and wrong you are for continuing on with it like a creep?
(don't even try to start with the 'pre-determined opinions' thing. None of us know you outside of these boards, so we can't have a pre-determined opinion of you, we can only base it off of your online personality)

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RE: Are We Moving Away From Two-TE Sets? - Harmening - 07-18-2015, 09:52 AM

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