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I would just love for the Bengals to just ONE DANG TIME knock the piss out of the Steelers. Just flat crush them!!! Actually, not just ONE time, but every time! But for now, I'd settle for just one game where they mop the field with their asses! I truthfully don't have any confidence this will actually happen anytime soon. We all witnessed the absence of flags for blatant holding in the last game. We know the BS Tomlin pulls with the refs. We all know the competence level of our coaching staff. Plus, we're playing without Green this week. The odds are generally stacked against a Bengals win versus the Steelers.

In my honest opinion, it's going to come down to the Bengals offensive and defensive lines. IF the OL can block decently for Dalton & Hill... AND... IF the DL can actually put some serious pressure on Big Jen, grab a few sacks, force some turn overs, we might actually have a shot to squeak this one out. Having a new kicker might help, based on the close games we've lost this year due to missed kicks, and the defense holding other teams to lower scores.. those FG's and XP's win can win football games more than I ever realized!

 As usual, I'll go into the game hopeful yet doubtful. I'm hoping that Marv & Co. will pull out all the stops... not play conservative football...go for the throat... play with attitude... find some energy and get it done! We'll see what happens!

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RE: WHO ELSE WANTS US TO BEAT STEELERS ??? - sixxfan26 - 12-17-2016, 04:43 AM

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