01-12-2017, 11:37 PM
(01-12-2017, 02:01 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: we used to play a game we called the "Purse Trick". Back in the day of my little small town, we had two bars right across Main street from each other. well, on Saturday nights one of us would steal one of our mom's old purses, tie some fishing string to it, drop it in the middle of the road and in between the main street buildings we would sit and wait till the old drunks left the bar. when they saw the purse in the middle of the road, they would walk over to it, bend over and just as they were reaching for it we would yank the purse away with the fishing string. OH MY GOD, did they get pissed! Then we would scatter. I had one guy chase me for 4-5 blocks before I found a good hiding place in the city park. Some would chase us in their cars. Most would chase us on foot for a block or so then get tired and yell obscenities at us.
Haha !!
Ok... that prompts me to share a couple of money related ones.
A few of us were 19-20, went to the roughest bar, and place a quarter on the floor within the main path to the bathroom.
If someone bent over to pick it up, we'd yell "Hey that's my quarter ! I put it there because I think it looks fantastic there. Leave it alone !".
Amazingly, the worst we ever got was the finger.
Although, one night, the toughest SOB just sneered at us because he knew what we'd been up to.
My buddy was hammered and wasn't happy with that level of attention, so he tripped the guy on his way back to the pool tables.
My buddy couldn't fight well and he sure wouldn't be able to perform much more than that trip, but the monster he tripped wanted to go.
I stood up and said "I know you didn't touch my quarter, but if you're insisting on beating my drunken buddy's ass, I'm going to have to take his spot".
The cat is like "Ok, you want some of this ?"
I'm like "Not particularly, but you can't have him.......However..... I'm willing to let you have my quarter and call it even.".
Hilarity ensues and I never get so much as a ****-eyed look in that place, again.
Other thing with money....
I used to be a bouncer.
All the bouncers went out to breakfast, after the night.
If a waitress acted like a pain in the ass, we'd leave coins as a tip drenched in syrup and napkins smashed down on top.
Pure gentlemen, we were.