01-24-2017, 03:34 PM
(01-24-2017, 03:26 PM)PDub80 Wrote: - It's adorable that instead of actually countering my examples with ones that disprove them you resort to petty name calling. If you can't argue my point or examples and need to change the subject I'll just take that as a white flag on your part.
- What am I allowing Adam Jones to do? I am not the police. I am not the Bengals. I am not the NFL. I have ZERO to do with what happens to Pacman Jones. Zero. Guess what... neither do you. If the Bengals or the NFL decide to move on from him, no complaints from me. That's their deal. O have zero to do with that.
- I linked to you the definition to the word enabling, yet you continue to misuse it. I don't know why you think that I would let someone who doesn't understand the definition of a word they're using... after I linked it to them.... call ME dense. You continuing to misuse a word after being given the definition of it IS, in fact, dense. At this point in our discussion is when you should realize the extreme gap in our intelligence with myself being of high IQ & EQ and you, well.... at least now you know what the word dense means. Keep working on enabling. You'll (hopefully) get it eventually. The correct word is APATHETIC. As in... I don't care as to what happens to Adam Jones in a bar or between he and a cop and a nurse. It doesn't affect me in any way.
If you can't say anything to counter my point or examples as to the idea of a troubled athlete representing a city or not please allow me to bury you further with more. After all, the best way to get through a thick (dense) skull is to keep hammering away at it.
Does anyone on the planet associate any of the following cities (or it's citizens) in any meaningful, measurable way to have been negatively impacted with changes to morality, revenue, population, or public perception? Any negative impact measured when it comes to tourism, commerce, business, jobs, etc. etc.?
- Atlanta with Michael Vick's Dog Fighting? NO
- Chicago (Dallas, or Cincinnati) with Tank Johnson's guns? NO
- Charlotte or Dallas with Greg Hardy's domestic violence? NO
- Denver with Brandon Marshall's domestic violence? NO
- Centerville, OH (or the Bengals) with Justin Smith's DUI? NO
- Miami with Chad Johnson's headbutt of a woman? NO
- Pittsburgh with Joey Porter's MULTIPLE arrests? NO
- Baltimore with Ray Rice's domestic Violence? NO
- Cleveland with Donte Stallworth and manslaughter? NO
- Cincinnati with Chris Henry? NO
And on and on and on.
I'm sure there have been thousands of people taking a stand and cancelling their vacation plans to Miami, FL because Chad Johnson once headbutted his reality TV star wife while under contract with the Dolphins.
I bet the next CFO P&G or Kroger tries to hire will turn it down because HELL NO they won't move to Cincinnati. That's where Pacman Jones once got arrested for poking a security officer.
^ Do you see how dramatic, extreme, and stupid that line of thinking is? ^
A single, or even group of, professional athlete(s) getting arrested, tried, or even convicted of murder (Rae Carruth) has never once, in the history of the world affected the city that the town resides in.
Now, if you want to bring up institutional problems, fine. There's an argument there. The case of Penn State and Jerry Sandusky is the most devastating thing to ever happen to a school or sports program. THAT had an impact. They've basically recovered just fine. And, guess what..... So will the Bengals from Pacman Jones. One way or the other.
Enabling is allowing or even helping a person to continue destructive behavior instead of stepping in to stop it, condemning it or, at the very least, walking away from it.
You want an unrepentant scumbag asshole who has become a loose cannon on and off the field on the team. I don't. We'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't really believe that you believe this crap you're spewing anyway. It defies logic and looks for all the word like trolling.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
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