01-25-2017, 02:28 AM
(01-24-2017, 07:39 PM)PDub80 Wrote: I can't help that. The NFL and it's teams usually wait until all of the facts and the local law enforcement doe their thing before administering punishment for misdemeanors.
Yes, I understand that, but what precedent was there to justify the length of Burfict's suspension to begin this past season compared to other player's with similar infractions? Goodell pretty much just pulls numbers out of the air. He could impose anything from no punishment to the Commissioner's expempted list with an indefinite suspension. Pacman's recourse would be to appeal to Goodell to overturn Goodell's decision.
Plus Goodell is a damn liar who has said the NFL can't trust the police to investigate crimes in order for the NFL to get all the facts (Ray Rice situation.)
I wouldn't put any faith in Roger Goodell to show any sort of consistency when it comes to punishment.