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Sad conclusion & How to get a ring
(02-08-2017, 05:08 PM)bengalsturntup926 Wrote: You grow up lol telling me to grow up cause you think different. 

Anyway look at all Superbowl wins and who's the qb, or who's the stars. You mean to tell me a upper qb can't win a Superbowl hardly ever?There's always story lines like it's wwe.  Brady getting suspended, taken a beaten in the Superbowl but comes back for the first ot in nfl had to be him huh. Only other teams that win it have big stars elsewhere. Ravens Rey lewis.saints had to have a tragedy then the nfl let them win one. Seattle Richard Sherman and the legion of boom with Lynch. Even the 85 bears didn't have a elite qb but they had Walter Payton.  My point is I don't ever see us winning anything till we get on that level.get players the nfl likes to brag about. 

Next year you can probably go ahead and pencil in pitt vs pats afc championship,unless Denver gets a liked qb.

I'm not telling you to grow up because I think differently. I'm telling you to grow up because I think logically. And because I put though and care into how I frame my argument, rather than espouse a bunch of nonsense like a petulant child.

Id never tell you upper QBs can't win a title. Quite the opposite, they usually win most of the titles. Because football in the modern era (post invention of the forward pass), by its very construction, makes the quarterback the lynchpin, the cornerstone of offensive success. No one (aside from the center) has the ball in their hands more. 

Now for your "WWE storylines":

1) Brady comeback in overtime. Obvious fix. Had nothing to do with the fact that he is inarguably the greatest QB in the history of the game. Had nothing to do with the fact that the Falcons defense was on the field for over 90+ plays (while playing majority man coverage) allowing the pass rush and DBs to get tired and lose a step in either getting to Brady or covering receivers. 

2) Ray Lewis. Unsure which Superbowl you're referring to here. 2000 saw Baltimore have the best defense statistically since the 1985 Bears. In 2012, they were led by Joe Flacco having one of the best postseasons in recent memory, throwing for 11 TDS and 0 picks (vs. Indy, Denver, New England and a great 49ers defense).

3) Saints in 2009. Drew Brees at his peak power. Had home field throughout the playoffs, then got to play in Miami for the Superbowl. Still took a surprise onside kick after halftime and a pick 6 on Manning to seal it.

4) Seattle. Another one of the greatest defenses statistically in NFL history. They allowed 14.4 points per game for the season. That's a full 9 points better than average that year. And they destroyed one of the greatest offenses we've seen in the Superbowl.

5) 1985 Bears. No need to say anything. Hall of Famers galore on that team.

And yes, you would have great odds in Vegas penciling in Pitt/NE again next year. Because, you know, inarguably greatest QB ever plus inarguably greatest coach ever. And because HOF QB plus Le'Veon plus AB plus fantastic offensive line plus potentially Martavus Bryant coming back.

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RE: Sad conclusion & How to get a ring - YoungThundercat - 02-08-2017, 06:22 PM

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