Poll: Would you buy season tickets for 2017?
Yes, I'm a sucker
No, I'm a genius
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Who Would Buy Season Tickets To The Bengals For 2017?
Sports are strange and powerful.  On one hand they are 100% entertainment and the outcome of sporting events have pretty much zero impact on our "real" lives.  But on the other hand, for many people live sporting events are the most common source of strong emotions.  Of course we all have big emotional events in our lives that are more important than sporting events, but usually not on such a regular basis.  I am not shy about admitting that live Bengal games are intense emotional/psychological events for me.  I think it is good for a person to feel strong emotions.  That is one of the big reasons I am such a big sports fan.

The key is to not let these strong emotions felt during a game effect how you think or behave after the game is over.  This is where the strange power of sports enter seem peoples lives.  I understand it takes a little while to get over something like our last playoff loss, but there is a certain percentage of the Bengal fan base who enjoy hating on the Bengals more than saying anything good about them.  They have let the emotions they felt during games turn them bitter at their core.  They have taken the results of games too personally.

Could go on and on about the psychology of tribalism, personal identity, and family attachment as they relate to sports, but that can wait for another day.  .  .  .  It is going to be a long off season.

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RE: Who Would Buy Season Tickets To The Bengals For 2017? - fredtoast - 02-19-2017, 12:30 PM

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