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So, how did you meet your significant other?
It was the start of the third quarter my senior year in high school. I had to take one Art Class to graduate but couldn't understand why since I was in Vocational taking Mechanical Drafting, but ok. The first day of class, I sit down at a table and about 5 minutes in, this girl walks in wearing jeans and a turquoise shirt. I turn to my friend and say, "I'm going to marry that girl" and as soon as I said it, she walked back out and from that moment on, I did nothing but think about her.

The next day, I get to my Art Class, sit down and soon after, this girl walks in. She sat at the table next to mine and I struck up a conversation. When class let out, we walked from that class to the "Smoking Area" which was a courtyard next to the Vocational Lunchroom. We talked some more, mostly small talk and during that time until the end of our Senior year in high school, we became good friends.

I asked her to Prom, which was our first date and the next day we went to Kings Island for the day.

We dated through the summer and fall and got married in the spring and been married ever since. 26 years of marriage, married since we were 18 years old and no one expected us to make it past 2 years. Of course, we are the atypical couple, not many find their soul mate in high school.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

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RE: So, how did you meet your significant other? - Nebuchadnezzar - 07-27-2015, 06:46 PM

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