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Who would you pick as the Bengals first Rounder?
This may sound like a stupid question but, what makes a player rise so drastically after the season is over. I know people get all excited with combine numbers and pro days. I assume just an interview alone can cause a player to move up, but drastically? I know how a player interviews gives teams some insight about a players character and intelligence and even some comfort in selecting that player. But should that alone with numbers at the combine be enough to move a player up several rounds regardless of film.

Just curious what everyone thinks about when evaluating a player. I personally like to judge a player as soon as the season is over. Before the combine hype. Based on their body of work over the season. They can play or they can't. I guess numbers do help some players stand out that may have been over looked, and cause some already good players to pull away from the rest based on how fast, high they jump, listen to and perform drills correctly etc.

So I guess I answered my own question. But in short I just prefer to go by how a player played during the season and try not to get excited when a player performs good at the combine. Just curious what everyone else thinks cause every year there are combine warriors who turn out to be total bust.

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RE: Who would you pick as the Bengals first Rounder? - TKUHL - 03-24-2017, 01:18 AM

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