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IF You Ever Wonder About the Bengals Not Having Any Money
Interesting. I'm sure Marvin still wants it. Not sure where that "movement" towards one went when the team redid a bunch of the interior training elements inside PBS (maybe that was the trade off to some degree). Next time I get a chance to run it by someone, I will.

But the reality of it at this point would be a multi-million investment away from PBS and, if it's done right, IMO, moving the entire team's base of operations out of the stadium the people paid for it to be.

It doesn't make much sense to me for them to build, say, a single $25 million permanent dome somewhere in NKY they use a few times a winter and have to bus to and from.
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RE: IF You Ever Wonder About the Bengals Not Having Any Money - jowczarski - 04-02-2017, 08:18 PM

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