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Should the Special Olympics really be televised?
This is the kind of thread that has made me cut back on this site.

I have a friend who adopted 2 chinese kids who were both severely burned and suffered some mental handicaps as well due to lack of oxygenation for a prolonged period of time.

I was at a birthday party for a mutual family, and the boy, age 12(but really closer to 4) was going to get to play an inning of baseball at the stadium on one of the all star weekend related events. It is literally all he could talk about. Why on earth would you not want to put him on TV as well? This may end up being one of the most exciting things to happen to him. What other prospects does he truly have? And as far as exploitation goes, participation in this event is voluntary, and we should allow the athlete and their guardians know whats best.

I can't really believe that some of you guys are so cynical/narcissistic that you speak poorly of fellow human beings for being handicapped and not being able to entertain you for an afternoon on TV.

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RE: Should the Special Olympics really be televised? - Westwood Bengal - 08-02-2015, 06:15 PM

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