08-10-2017, 02:21 PM
(08-10-2017, 12:06 PM)Pat5775 Wrote: I feel party to blame as well. I called him out on his BS countless times and he started to get really snippy and more arrogant than usual. But really, I don't feel bad about it. Nobody should. He did it to himself.
For the majority of his time here, Fred was just trolling and trying to stir up drama. There were some moments where Fred dropped the troll act and offered up some honest, well-thought out discussions (particularly last season where he finally started to admit he was getting tired of Marvin... But of course, that didn't last and he soon went back to smugly ridiculing anybody who dared question his beloved head coach).
It is what it is. I believe Fred will likely be back at some point. He got busted with his new, fake account and also had that one banned over a month ago. I don't know if his ban has been lengthened because if that or what. I guess we'll see.
I was unaware that he got banned from a new account

I don't feel guilty if anything I posted towards him contributed to him getting suspended or whatever because he took so many personal shots at me and continually posted false bullshit because he didn't fear any consequence and thought that he was better than everyone.
Even on the multiple times I called him out and posted proof that he was wrong, he'd post a link to the same thread in a later thread claiming that it proved he was right because he thought people were too stupid to check.
(08-10-2017, 12:25 PM)Wyche Wrote: Meh, I've seen....and had....plenty of good conversations on here where people disagree on a topic, sometimes vehemently. The difference is, there is respect shown from both parties, and no one is called an idiot for their opinion. The o line thread right now has some very good back and forth going on with very good points for all points of view. Yet, no one is insulting anyone over it. Personally, I enjoy the new direction without cherry picked quotes out of context and meaningless, manipulated stats.Exactly......... if you even disagreed with Fred, he'd claim that it was because you were ignorant and stupid.
(08-10-2017, 12:35 PM)depthchart Wrote: I'm pushing 50 and grew up in a non Internet and no cell phone time period.I enjoy conversations and debates, but Fred would post false information and belittle anyone that disagreed with his point of view.
I hear the term Trolling and know what it means but to me a person can either defend any points they make or not. So bring on the so called Trolls.
Fred definitely stakes out an angle to come from and then pokes the Bear so to speak. To me he's not a Troll per se. He can go pretty Deep with his Logic even if I'm not buying his Logic. It may be like a Sport to him. I actually enjoy the verbal jousting myself.
By pushing people's buttons, any Poster opens themselves up to getting their button's pushed back because they have to stake out some territory on an issue. Getting banned likely means that someone else got to the banned Poster. Poked them in a way they over-reacted to.
(08-10-2017, 01:07 PM)grampahol Wrote: Fred had an opinion (well several actually) and I see nothing wrong with having an opposing opinion.
Heck, I have plenty of opinions that differ from the majority here.
What I try to avoid here is getting in pissing matches with people over opinions. You either like my opinion or you don't. It doesn't matter one tiny, eensy weensy bit to me and I'm not going to argue for 3 days over the merits of some silly argument over who is or isn't right.
Go ahead..try to pick an argument with me..I'll disappear for a week or more till everyone forgets it even happened..
On the same hand I don't think anybody needs banned over this stuff (arguing about opinions) unless that's the only thing they want to do . Just make your point and move on. Jeeez. I quit engaging in prick waving contests in 5th grade..
Fred can't handle opinions that are different from his own and can't handle being wrong, which doesn't make for a good message board because there's no debate with him.