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Folks... It's time to stop going to the games
(09-15-2017, 01:51 AM)Pat5775 Wrote: Change is desperately needed. It is needed for the present and future if this generation of Bengal players. What we saw these past two weeks has been putrid and unacceptable. And once again, NO ACCOUNTABILITY anywhere. Marvins job is safe. Zampese's job is safe. Dalton is under no pressure of being benched (even on principle). And that is NEVER going to change as long as fans continue to show up on gameday.

Now I know, attendance hasn't been great these past two weeks. But more pressure on the family business owners is needed. If you think an abysmal win/loss record is enough to get certain folks out of the picture, you're dreaming. The current head coach has reached the playoffs several times in a row and is likely viewed as the man to get us back at some point by the front office. And that is just fine and dandy with them. The front office will not part ways with anyone on this staff as long as people continue to buy tickets.

So it's simple: stop buying tickets. If you're a season ticket owner, mail your tickets back to the front office with a letter attached venting your frustration. If enough people do that, then (and only then) will changes be made. Until that time... This shit show is partially on us: the fans.

Unfortunately its not going to hit Mike Brown in the pocket but I cancelled my Gamepass ticket at halftime last night.  I was going to give them the full game but it was about 3am here in the U.K and I was shattered, had work in the morning and after watching that first half I was depressed as hell so cancelled.  

Costs $190 to watch the games for a season and I've followed the Bengals for 6 years on Gamepass but can't do it this year and stay up watching that dross...

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RE: Folks... It's time to stop going to the games - sonofstat - 09-15-2017, 09:19 AM

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