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Last playoff win, where was everyone?
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Last playoff win, where was everyone?
It really is an amazing feat to go this long without a playoff win. I'm just curious where/what everyone was doing back then. So much has changed over this time. Most of our players weren't even born yet. The internet wasn't even invented yet to have a Message Board. Just to put things in perspective here are a few past events from 1991.

Michael Jordan had never won a championship yet.
The Cold War was still a threat. Omg
George Bush Sr. was President
Jeffrey Dahmer was an active serial killer.
Home Alone hit theaters
Ghost was the highest grossing movie.
Madonna Justify My Love #1 song
Wilson Phillips #1 single Hold On
Gas 1.14 Gallon
Hubble Telescope launched
Magic Johnson announced he was HIV Positive
AJ McCarron Not Born yet

This is pretty depressing. Feel free to add to this list.

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Last playoff win, where was everyone? - TKUHL - 09-17-2017, 02:52 AM

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