10-10-2017, 08:43 PM
(10-10-2017, 08:29 PM)ShowMeUrTDs Wrote: Oh I am sure the people from there are true fans, but because I have never been there my encounters involve local bandwagoners from the Cinci area, bandwagoners attending the game at PBS, and bandwagoners online.
I went to one steeler game at Pittsburgh (the 2011 game where we got destroyed something like 35-7 and The Rapist and Whines Hard set franchise records

And a few of them were realistic and straight up honest and said they "never travel well". I was told you'll "rarely see any steeler fan here anywhere else, aside from maybe philly and Cincy. You'll never see a real steeler fan in Seattle". Pretty much verbatim from what I remember.
The steeler fans you see all over the country are the bandwagoners. That was great to hear... And in a way, I kinda felt bad for the Pittsburgh native fans. The vast majority of the steeler fanbase are the @$$holes we all know and hate, by default painting them in a bad light.