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Wife Met AJM & Wife (Positive Thread)
That's pretty cool OP.

Since this is about the best place for my best 'encounter with Bengaldom' story I'll share it here.

Back in the bad old days of the 90's my folks and I came into town for a game on my birthday from Chicago. I knew how to get down by the locker room in Riverfront/Cinergy from previous visits, and after the game sprinted down there to do some autograph hunting. While waiting there was a radio crew there interviewing fans while waiting for the players to come out, I got interviewed and left the interviewer somewhat dumbfounded when I started rattling off random observations from the game. I don't think he expected a kid to be giving somewhat in-depth analysis. When the players started filing out, I had a sharpie with me, an adult in the area didn't, so I'd keep letting him use mine. From talking while waiting for players to emerge he found out it was my birthday, and every player that stopped to sign for us he'd tell them it was my birthday (I didn't want to be THAT kid and had been keeping my mouth shut about it). Predictably the players would then be super cool, wish me a happy birthday, the whole 9 yards. After things calmed down, security did as well, and all of a sudden the field was open! Not one to squander such a fantastic opportunity I sprinted out the tunnel onto the field. Got to run around a bunch, it was super cool to me at least to be on an NFL field (and MLB field for that matter).

Afterwards my folks and I went to the Boathouse for dinner. (Ribs & Onion straws FTW) As we were finishing up and getting ready to head back to the hotel all of a sudden Eric Bieniemy and Ashley Ambrose (with wives/GF's in tow) stopped at our table. "Hey! I hope you had a good dinner! Happy Birthday again!" I just about shit myself. The entire surrounding area was staring at us since two NFL players stopping to talk to a scrawny kid must have looked a bit odd. Bieniemy was one of my favorite players dating back to his days on the Chargers, so I was flabbergasted. Since we were also done with our meal we got up to head out, with EB and AA! We spent a good half hour in the entryway to the restaurant just talking football, while my mom chatted with their better halves. Took a few pictures with them, had the time of my life, and headed back to the hotel absolutely BEAMING with glee. Two of the nicest athletes I've met. Best birthday I've ever had, even though we lost the game badly.

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RE: Wife Met AJM & Wife (Positive Thread) - Ravage - 11-08-2017, 09:37 PM

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