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Bengals fans - this team sucks but you guys are awesome
(11-14-2017, 03:57 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Ehh, I used to consider saying a team had the most bandwagon fans as a put down of sorts, but I realized that winning leads any organization to become a magnet for bandwagoners, so saying a team has a bunch of bandwagon fans is pretty much admitting that they win...and that blows.  So sad, but true.

I spent most of my life living in Steeler country, so I'm used to it.  I will say that it irked me the most when everyone just happened to have the Seahawks as their "totally always my 2nd favorite team, I swear" from 2013-2016, though.

Should have more bandwagon Patriot fans then if that is the case. They have owned the Steelers over the years as you and i
both know. I don't see many Patriot jerseys for sale anywhere around here nor any Pats fans. Stooler jerseys are all over the
place and Stooler fans are everywhere running rampant like a damn disease.

There is something different about THAT team and it isn't all about winning why they are the biggest bandwagon team IMO.

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RE: Bengals fans - this team sucks but you guys are awesome - Nate (formerly eliminate08) - 11-14-2017, 08:00 PM

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