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He's coming back..... sick feeling
what has Marvin done this season to deserve an extension? Why let him coach a lame duck year if the plan was to bring him back anyway. This is the first year in the past 30+ that I've checked out and didn't even watch a couple games. Told myself I would come back next season with the new coach, and the excitement of the draft. Since then the AJ trade that could have made the HC position a little more attractive to an outside coach went to shit. Our top 10 draft pick is no longer since we won 2 useless games that did nothing other than prolong the bleeding by giving Marvin a false sense of accomplishment and that's all Mikey needed to justify keeping his yes man.

This just shows how content Mike Brown is with being mediocre. A kick in the nuts to every fan. Some on here saying Marvin will be better if he comes back cause that would mean Mikey caved and gave him more control I say BS. Marvins issues goes beyond personal control etc. Players not ready after bye weeks, Prime time, playoffs that's on Marvin. 2nd half meltdowns and player discipline, that's on Marvin. Younger but clearly better players not getting on the field, that's Marvin. There are better coaches out there, stop being a ***** Brown and get a real coach.

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RE: He's coming back..... sick feeling - TKUHL - 01-01-2018, 11:18 PM

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