01-28-2018, 04:57 AM
(01-28-2018, 04:08 AM)grampahol Wrote: There's a ton of press and go website 'builder' sites out there Brad, but I used to make web sites once upon a time .
A quick google search you'll get https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&ei=hXVtWraLNcLWzwLpzZi4BA&q=easy+to+use+website+builder&oq=easy+to+website&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0i7i30k1l5.18983.26478.0.29381.
If you really need help with something simple I'd be glad to help you out .. Just drop me a PM and I'll do what I can for you. Are you looking for a free site or your own domain name?
WordPress is probably the easiest way to go and you can have your own domain name with it either on their site or your own. .
It was bradfritz.org, so probably looking to get back to that.
I did Google but haven't had a chance to look into anything too deeply. I do appreciate any help that you can give me in getting this going!