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How many steelers fans pretend...
(02-08-2018, 07:08 AM)Captain Obvious Wrote: I always root for any team that plays the Patriots. I dislike them that much. I root for the Steelers. Once the Steelers are eliminated, I root for either the Browns or Bengals if they're in it. If not I root for any team that hasn't won it before. I understand getting laughed at for holding onto a team, because I never got to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates win a World Series and they laugh at me for still being a fan.

Yeah, I always bristle at being called "bandwagon" just because I'm a Steeler fan.  There are quite a few of us (maybe even the majority) who are just "Pittsburgh fans".  And because of the Pirates, we totally get the "stand by your team" mentality.  

I have to admit that my interest wanes a bit when the Pirates stink, but baseball is kind of a different animal in that they play every night (if you think it's tough to subject to yourself to suckiness on a weekly basis, try doing it daily).  But never have I been tempted to root for the Yankees, Giants, etc.

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RE: How many steelers fans pretend... - JS-Steelerfan - 02-08-2018, 12:22 PM

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