02-16-2018, 12:49 AM
Welcome back. I like some others in the forum gave up my tickets. I am not optimistic which is a major change from the past. I am not going to become a negative Nancy like some blasting every move or non move made. But, like many very frustrated with the results the past few years when we were coming off hopeful years.
I will always be a fan and not jump to the Steeler's bandwagon or the newest great team. I hope I am wrong about 2018, but my guess is others who are not optimistic hope they are right so they can continue their rants and say "I told you guys" versus eating crow as some just can't take the taste.
Hey, I appreciate the welcome back! That goes for a number of you who were nice to enough to say as such, btw!
I guess I just wanted to single out this post, basically to offer up an apology or a truce, or what-have-you, to Luvnit2 here. While I think I owe him a virtual shake of the hand specifically, I'm hoping that some others will read it as a bit of a "my bad" catch-all. This kind of goes out to everyone.
I don't know if it's just the time away, or the fact the bald spot on my head is growing by the day (getting older), but in looking back I think I handled myself rather poorly at times on here. As much as I still believe much of what I previously said regarding the team, I think my approach was all wrong. I hope at times it was funny and insightful, but I fear it was also douchey and unnecessary
So, yeah, uh, I wanted to say sorry for butting heads with you so often in the past. More specifically, I'm sorry for the way I went about it, with Luvnit and others. In retrospect, I think a lot of what I wrote and the back-and-forth I found myself in, was entirely way to mean-spirited, I'm sure at times incredibly condescending, and just did very little to contribute to soladarity as Bengals fans, or good-natured fun. As often as mocked the idea of fake internet points and sides, I, without a doubt, fell into a mess of petty arguments that had more to do with personal disagreements and one-up-manship than actually driving a friendly conversation. Simply put, I think I was as many times a bit of an asshole. To you specfically.
I just wanted to say sorry for that, and sorry for clogging the boards with bs between me and the fake Toast or the turd B-fine who booted me from the fantasy league. The players, participants and dialogue was stale and unnecessary and I, more than most, contributed to it. For that, and just allowing myself to get so worked up about something the means very little to me in the grand scheme of things, I'm a little embarrassed. I never thought I'd be the message board guy with rivalries, who posts every 2 secs, and whores himself and time for rep points and pats on the back. But I mostly certainly did, I got way too caught up in internet bs to realize how just how stupid it was.
So, look... We may not agree on everything, or even very little. We may strongly disagree. And That's ok. I'm going to try my best to leave it to that simple idea if find myself in an argument here in the future. If it seemed like I went out of way to bicker or single you out, or anyone else, please consider this a friendly apology.
I don't think I'll be on here much just because I have little left to say and my interest continues to dwindle. But if and when I am I'm going to attempt to do more civil and treat people with more respect than I did with you previously. I'll bring my thoughts and leave any agenda at the door. There is no winning or influences to be done here, just dudes talking sports. I need to do more to remind myself of that.
I do appreciate the welcome back. I think you probably just said everything I did, with taking the time to write those two simple words. But hey, reformed a-hole or not, I still talk way more than I should.
No hard feelings, buddy...
PS The fact you unloaded you tickets is a surprise to me. I'm thinking of starting the old club again if you ever want to join. We meet on Tues night. The only requirements are you must HATE this team, and be willing to express that hate both vocally and physically. We don't just talk and spread the hate, but we burn jerseys, fight eachother over hates the team more, and Shake has a 4 wheeler he brings. Sometimes we call that Havean guy and prank him. All good, clean fun. You're more than welcome come over to this side. Just get ahold of CornerBlitz, he handles the initiation process. There will be some de-programming, followed by some punch. Everyone has to drink the kool-aid.
Welcome back. I like some others in the forum gave up my tickets. I am not optimistic which is a major change from the past. I am not going to become a negative Nancy like some blasting every move or non move made. But, like many very frustrated with the results the past few years when we were coming off hopeful years.
I will always be a fan and not jump to the Steeler's bandwagon or the newest great team. I hope I am wrong about 2018, but my guess is others who are not optimistic hope they are right so they can continue their rants and say "I told you guys" versus eating crow as some just can't take the taste.
Hey, I appreciate the welcome back! That goes for a number of you who were nice to enough to say as such, btw!
I guess I just wanted to single out this post, basically to offer up an apology or a truce, or what-have-you, to Luvnit2 here. While I think I owe him a virtual shake of the hand specifically, I'm hoping that some others will read it as a bit of a "my bad" catch-all. This kind of goes out to everyone.
I don't know if it's just the time away, or the fact the bald spot on my head is growing by the day (getting older), but in looking back I think I handled myself rather poorly at times on here. As much as I still believe much of what I previously said regarding the team, I think my approach was all wrong. I hope at times it was funny and insightful, but I fear it was also douchey and unnecessary
So, yeah, uh, I wanted to say sorry for butting heads with you so often in the past. More specifically, I'm sorry for the way I went about it, with Luvnit and others. In retrospect, I think a lot of what I wrote and the back-and-forth I found myself in, was entirely way to mean-spirited, I'm sure at times incredibly condescending, and just did very little to contribute to soladarity as Bengals fans, or good-natured fun. As often as mocked the idea of fake internet points and sides, I, without a doubt, fell into a mess of petty arguments that had more to do with personal disagreements and one-up-manship than actually driving a friendly conversation. Simply put, I think I was as many times a bit of an asshole. To you specfically.
I just wanted to say sorry for that, and sorry for clogging the boards with bs between me and the fake Toast or the turd B-fine who booted me from the fantasy league. The players, participants and dialogue was stale and unnecessary and I, more than most, contributed to it. For that, and just allowing myself to get so worked up about something the means very little to me in the grand scheme of things, I'm a little embarrassed. I never thought I'd be the message board guy with rivalries, who posts every 2 secs, and whores himself and time for rep points and pats on the back. But I mostly certainly did, I got way too caught up in internet bs to realize how just how stupid it was.
So, look... We may not agree on everything, or even very little. We may strongly disagree. And That's ok. I'm going to try my best to leave it to that simple idea if find myself in an argument here in the future. If it seemed like I went out of way to bicker or single you out, or anyone else, please consider this a friendly apology.
I don't think I'll be on here much just because I have little left to say and my interest continues to dwindle. But if and when I am I'm going to attempt to do more civil and treat people with more respect than I did with you previously. I'll bring my thoughts and leave any agenda at the door. There is no winning or influences to be done here, just dudes talking sports. I need to do more to remind myself of that.
I do appreciate the welcome back. I think you probably just said everything I did, with taking the time to write those two simple words. But hey, reformed a-hole or not, I still talk way more than I should.
No hard feelings, buddy...
PS The fact you unloaded you tickets is a surprise to me. I'm thinking of starting the old club again if you ever want to join. We meet on Tues night. The only requirements are you must HATE this team, and be willing to express that hate both vocally and physically. We don't just talk and spread the hate, but we burn jerseys, fight eachother over hates the team more, and Shake has a 4 wheeler he brings. Sometimes we call that Havean guy and prank him. All good, clean fun. You're more than welcome come over to this side. Just get ahold of CornerBlitz, he handles the initiation process. There will be some de-programming, followed by some punch. Everyone has to drink the kool-aid.