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Solomon Wilcots: "I'm really concerned"
(08-27-2015, 11:53 AM)GarbageDisposal Wrote: Solly's concern is actually a great sign. I have never seen an NFL commentator so consistently get things wrong. He's the only commentator who's actually unbearable to listen to every Sunday because of the amount of things he's wrong or misinforms the viewer about. Not Joe Buck, not Collinsworth, not any of the legitimately good, professional ones people find ways to complain about. Solly's broadcasting strategy could be summed up as "Say 'The National Football League'" as many times as possible to use more words and sound smarter. He is Stephen A. Smith without the entertaining trolling.

that's the dumbest effin post I've ever read! Solly has forgotten more about football than you will ever know! Get a life away from homerism!!!


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RE: Solomon Wilcots: "I'm really concerned" - RASCAL - 08-29-2015, 01:09 AM

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