03-25-2018, 06:37 PM
(03-25-2018, 05:42 PM)Ravage Wrote: I'm convinced that whole 'letter' is either A) Someone trolling SUPER hard, or B) Mike Brown's version of John Barron writing the letter.
"My biggest concern is the loss of Bodine. I know a lot of folks are glad to see him go, but there is more to being a center than blocking and pass protection, and while he struggle with those at times, he handled the rest of it really well."
What the actual hell? "Sure the guy sucked at 95% of what you want your center to do, but dammit the uniform fit him properly, he never got arrested, was able to walk and breathe through his nose at the same time, and really, who on the O-Line was as good at helping Andy up after a sack that he was responsible for than Bodine?...he was GREAT at those things, why don't people acknowledge that?!"
If that guy was/is serious, then that right there boys and girls is why you should NEVER, EVER eat paint chips or huff glue!