04-18-2018, 08:56 AM
(04-17-2018, 06:06 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Spoiler warning for anyone who doesn't want to know what happens in the comics
There's a showdown at Hilltop after the Saviors bomb Alexandria. Dwight shoots Rick with a bolt with Negan believing it has been covered in zombie guts (that was Negan's big plan, to dirty their weapons for slow deaths for anyone who is wounded). Dwight doesn't zombify the bolt and Rick recovers. Negan comes up to the gate and tells them to surrender cause he knows Rick is dead.
Rick shows up and Negan is all like "WTF, Dwight?".
They talk, Rick tells him how he's going about this all wrong and they can build a stable, stronger world if they work together. This whole time, Negan's reasoning for how he does things is that people die otherwise and this keeps the most people alive. He agrees with Rick and Rick says "good" and slits his throat. He tells the Saviors the war is over but then Negan attacks him. He manages to break Rick's leg before passing out. Rick orders them to save Negan first and not worry about his leg until then. Dwight orders the Saviors to stand down and tells them he's in charge now (he grabs Lucille) and tells them they're going home.
Maggie and Carl disagree with Negan living. They both want him dead but Rick tells them that they need to be better than Negan. He tells Negan that they're going to build a better world and Negan will watch it from jail where he will die an old man.
Maggie hates that Negan is alive but respects Rick's decision to be a bigger person. Dwight respects Rick and is happy to lead the Saviors and do their own thing while trading with the others, but never being fully integrated with them as the other three are.
Basically there's no reason to kill Carl. Rick's brush with death serves as a driving force for his change of heart
And the thing about the show is they will use elements of the comic but they are not beholden to it.
Carol should be dead. Andrea should be alive and Rick's love interest. Carl lives. Etc.
I've read the comics up through the next group they meet in that incarnation of the Walking Dead so I was looking for scenes that crossed over...but unlike the real diehard "fans" I just enjoy the show without being too critical. Not every episode is a winner but I want to see where it goes now.