07-19-2018, 04:39 PM
It is an interesting place. You probably get to walk through the locker rooms an stuff.
I volunteered with the fan club to help guide tours when they gave the grand opening tour way-back-when. They had it open for a day and they had planned for only like 100,000 people to go through, but ended up with 4 times that many (I forget the actual figures now). Anyway, people ended up standing in these massive lines and our job became crowd control. That worked for about 20 minutes. Then the people in these huge lines got fed up of waiting and started crossing where ever. Eventually, I think management relented and added a couple of more tour days to accommodate the crowds. Typical Bengals management guffaw from the 90's, eh.
I volunteered with the fan club to help guide tours when they gave the grand opening tour way-back-when. They had it open for a day and they had planned for only like 100,000 people to go through, but ended up with 4 times that many (I forget the actual figures now). Anyway, people ended up standing in these massive lines and our job became crowd control. That worked for about 20 minutes. Then the people in these huge lines got fed up of waiting and started crossing where ever. Eventually, I think management relented and added a couple of more tour days to accommodate the crowds. Typical Bengals management guffaw from the 90's, eh.