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Anybody Else Think Mixon's Injury Was A Dirty Play?
I agree with you Brad it was tripping and it was blatant at that not sure what these other posters are looking at. Was the defender thinking in his head I am going to injure him that will never be known. But tripping will cause injuries or they would not flag you for doing it. It was banned from the game for a reason it causes injuries.

If any of you posters think it wont have one of your friends run by at full speed and you stick your leg out just like in the video shin to shin and hit his leg. Unless you both train in Muay Thai fighting you will both fall to the ground rubbing those shins.

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RE: Anybody Else Think Mixon's Injury Was A Dirty Play? - BengalsBong - 09-19-2018, 10:52 AM

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