09-11-2015, 10:01 AM
My last response came off a bit unpleasant, so my bad and I don't feel like going back through and cleaning it up.
Regardless, my point stands and it's still super annoying to hear the old "it's only apples to apples to compare their early careers!!!!!!" nonsense from part of this fanbase. For some reason, people are insisting that it makes sense even though it is quite the opposite if you actually think about everything that goes into a comparison like this for athletes.
If we were using batshit logic like this, QB rankings would be all over the place with a lot of the elite guys being nowhere near the top. Let's leave it at the fact that Andy can improve and that we need to compare Andy in 2015 to other QBs in 2015 and not worry about their pasts once this year finally kicks off for us on Sunday.
Regardless, my point stands and it's still super annoying to hear the old "it's only apples to apples to compare their early careers!!!!!!" nonsense from part of this fanbase. For some reason, people are insisting that it makes sense even though it is quite the opposite if you actually think about everything that goes into a comparison like this for athletes.
If we were using batshit logic like this, QB rankings would be all over the place with a lot of the elite guys being nowhere near the top. Let's leave it at the fact that Andy can improve and that we need to compare Andy in 2015 to other QBs in 2015 and not worry about their pasts once this year finally kicks off for us on Sunday.