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Could Adam Jones be looking at a suspension?
(09-14-2015, 12:02 AM)ShowMeUrTDs Wrote: What is your argument here, that Jones simply won't get suspended or that the NFL no longer has power to suspend players after the Brady ruling? 

The Court's decision in the Tom Brady case has absolutely nothing to do with the NFL's right to punish. The Court vacated the sentence based on three reasons; 

1. The lack of adequate notice giving to Brady (contracted right)
2. Denial of Tom Brady to examine the 2nd lead investigator
3. Denial of production of investigation records to Brady

All 3 are Constitutional due process issues and is why the Judge reversed the suspension. The two biggest issues to the public in the case was whether the league had adequate proof of Tom Brady's involvement, and the fact that Roger Goodell heard the appeal after administering the punishment. The Court did not even address those issues, because the case was decided on civil procedure issues. (So basically, for those who aren't lawyers, law students, or judges he got off on a technicality!!!)

The NFL has the absolute right to suspend players under their contract with the NFL Players Association, and the Brady case did nothing to take away that right. 

If your argument is that Jones won't get suspended for what happened today, then he may or may not, it will more than likely depend on what the refs witnessed or heard other than what was on the video, but if I had to place a bet of all my money on one or the other, I would bet he is suspended for atleast one game.

My arguement was that while yes people can still be suspended for conduct the nfl lost their be all end all authority to do so. My point was while what pacman did today was uncalled for and disgusting to see, I don't think the nfl will suspend him for it. Big old fine yes but suspension absolutely not. If they do he will fight it. The nfl doesn't want the headache right now of something as dumb as this. Both jones and cooper both said after the game no harm no foul. Nfl will move on as should everyone else
[Image: BernLocksig.jpg]

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RE: Could Adam Jones be looking at a suspension? - BernLock - 09-14-2015, 12:06 AM

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